Thursday, September 17, 2009

Information System for Distribution Center : a Case Study

Logistics technology can considerably improve collaboration and provide effective management of supply chain by providing efficient flow of promotional plans and real-time load data, thereby allowing the use of collaborative logistics to lead to the achievement of cost reduction and efficiency in the supply chain.


The difficulties in Information Systems Management have created ongoing demands for information systems to improve the performance of business activities. Thus, the appropriate use of Information Technology becomes essential in virtually all aspects of collaboration in the supply chain. Electronic Data Interchange - EDI has made an important contribution in the integration of logistics activities. Therefore, this article aims to describe the use of EDI as a key tool in managing the internal logistics operations company in the construction and management with external partners, through a case study. The literature presents concepts related to Collaborative Logistics, Information Technology and EDI. Among the results achieved in the logistics of the company are described the use of EDI as well as advantages and disadvantages obtained after its implementation. Besides these, I highlighted the benefits of using EDI, such as faster business transactions, reduction in inventory, improved physical distribution of materials and information, effective customer service and greater integration among the members of the supply chain.

Keywords: Collaborative Logistics, Information Technology, EDI.

For further information on my research, send e-mail To:

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